How to Setup a Cod4 Mod in SMV Host Game Control
First Check If there is Script Manager Option assigned to your cod4 server panel. If you have access to it, then Turn ON Legacy Mode Before Setting up mod (It disables the Additional Script Features that might conflict the Mod Scripts). You dont have to turn ON legacy mode if you are about to install any official version of promod or smv_promod
1. Create a folder named 'mods' in the root directory of the cod4 server along with 'main' folder (if it is not there)
2. Upload your mods into 'mods' folder (don't forget to include respected mods configuration file (server.cfg) and configure its settings)
3. Stop your current server if it running
4. In server start page, at +set f_game (mods) field, add your uploaded mod's path. like mods/{mod folder path}
Example: mods/pml220
5. In +exec field Enter your mod's configuration file name ( server.cfg )
6. Start Server
Note: Configure your server.cfg and other configuration files correctly as per your need for better working of the mod
When you install/change a mod, It might affect your B3 (If B3 is assigned to your game server).
To setup B3 & make it work (not necessary if b3 is running fine)
Always check these settings of B3 are correct
Navigate to B3 control page -> Edit -> go to custom fields
1. Set correct Rcon password of the server
2. Game log path
For unmoded server game log path will be like
For moded server game log path will be like
home/path/to/your/server/mods/{mod folder}/games_mp.log
Example: home/path/to/your/server/mods/pml220/games_mp.log
If smvcontroller plugin is loaded on the server, then your mod path will be like
home/path/to/your/server/main_smv_<server port>/games_mp.log
Example: home/path/to/your/server/main_smv_28960/games_mp.log
3. Rcon IP & Public IP (IP address of your server)
4. Parser: cod4 for older version & cod4x18 for newer cod4x v18 build 1458 or later servers
5. Save settings
6. Stop your B3 server.. then start... (Don't use restart, it might not update the changes)
Note: Rcon Password, Database details, and Game Log path details in b3.xml file should be always correct in order to work b3