Game Server Hosting Plans

Online Multiplayer Gaming is better and cheaper than any other entertainments or addictions. Order your game server now.

B3 Hosting

B3 (Bigbrotherbot) is an ingame administration software for multiplayer games
We provide remote B3 hosting for your remote server on other hosts with full access to ControlPanel for installing plugins .etc..
Please Note that B3 requires a working ftp account for your gameserver to access game log file.

Call of Duty 1.1

High Performance Lag Free Call of Duty 1.1 Multiplayer Server Along with Full access via control panel


Low Latency

Console Access

FTP Access

Deploy Time - Within 6 hours from Payment Confirmation

Call of Duty 4

High Performance Lag Free Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Multiplayer Server with Free Built in B3 with all standard plugins, along with control panel facility


Low Latency

FTP Access

Console Access

1GB Mod/Map Space

Deploy Time - Instant Setup within 5 minutes on Payment Confirmation (including Addon Setup)

Versions Available

1.7a - more advanced than version 1.7. Uses cd key code based player identification method

1.8 - Latest & More Advanced with lot of features such as screenshot facility, limited built-in anticheat, & Player identification based on hardware and steam IDs

Screenshot Management Utilities(Only for 1.8 version)

We provide control Panel Based Screenshot Manager for all 1.8 Servers where you can take & view screenshots and ban players. We also provide optional Web based Public Screenshot Management Addons as follows

1 Public Screenshot Gallery - Displays all the Player Screenshot on website as a gallery

2 Public Screenshot Panel - A website that Allows to take, view & manage screenshots and players. Any one can take/check suspected player's screenshot from website and request to ban a cheating player . It also displays B3 Admins, Server status, B3 penalties & more features with Admins Account

Do a Speed/Ping Test before finalising your server Location

Call of Duty 4 - 7days

Low Latency High Performance Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Mupltiplayer Along with control panel facility.

Only For 7 Days, Best Suitable for Scrimming or Tournaments


Version 1.8

32 Player Slots

No Branding

Control Panel Access

Deploy Time - Within 5-180 min from Payment confirmation

If servers are unavailable in any case, your payment will be refunded

Note - Server will be deleted automaticaly after 7days & ip & port
will be cleared

  • COD4TRIAL, Rs 10 will be charged to prevent fraud Use PromoCode for Free Server
Call of Duty 4 -Premium

High Performance Lag Free Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Multiplayer Server with Free Built in B3 with all standard plugins, along with control panel facility


Low Latency

FTP Access

Console Access

Dedicated Resources

Default 28960 Port / Custom Port on demand

Free Fast Download Redirect

Higher CutomerCare Priority

Deploy Time - Instant Setup within 5 minutes on Payment Confirmation (including Addon Setup)

Versions Available

1.7a - more advanced than version 1.7. Uses cd key code based player identification method

1.8 - Latest & More Advanced with lot of features such as screenshot facility, limited built-in anticheat, & Player identification based on hardware and steam IDs

Screenshot Management Utilities(Only for 1.8 version)

We provide control Panel Based Screenshot Manager for all 1.8 Servers where you can take & view screenshots and ban players. We also provide optional Web-based Public Screenshot Management Addons as follows

1 Public Screenshot Gallery - Displays all the Player Screenshot on website as a gallery

2 Public Screenshot Panel - A website that Allows to take, view & manage screenshots and players. Any one can take/check suspected player's screenshot from website and request to ban a cheating player . It also displays B3 Admins, Server status, B3 penalties & more features with Admins Account

Do a Speed/Ping Test before finalising your server Location

Call of Duty MW3 - Plutonium

Cod MW3 Plutomium is an unofficial nonsteam patch of COD MW3 server.

It require Plutonium MW3 client patch to connect these servers


18 PlayerSlots


FTP Access

Deploy time - Within 24 Hours from payment confirmation

Starting from
Call of Duty TeknoMW3 (18 slots)

Cod MW3 TeknoMW3 is an unofficial nonsteam patch of COD MW3 server.

It require Tekno MW3 client patch to connect these servers


18 PlayerSlots


FTP Access

Console Acces through RDP

Deploy time - Within 2 Hours from payment confirmation

Starting from
CounterStrike 1.6

CounterStrike is a source engine Based Multiplayer Game Server.


Low Latency

Control Panel

FTP Access

Console Access

Parameter Access

No Branding

Deploy Time - Within 2-4 hours from Payment Confirmation

  • By default Server will be based on steam. There will be Addon option at control panel to allow non steam clients. Note
Counterstrike: GlobalOffensive

CounterStrike is a source engine Based Multiplayer Game Server.


Low Latency

Control Panel

FTP Access

Console Access


Dedicated IP Address

64/128 Tickrate selection option

Free Sourcemod Installation On demand

Deploy Time - Instant Setup within 15-30 minutes on Payment Confirmation

Starting from
Soldier of Fortune II

Soldier of Fortune II is a Quake3 engine Based Multiplayer Game Server.


Low Latency

Control Panel

FTP Access

Console Access

Deploy Time - Within 24 hours from Payment Confirmation

TeamSpeak 3

TeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a telephone conference call.


32 slots


FTP access

Note- Price mentioned is Hosting Charges, license not included. For license contact us before ordering.

Manual Deployment ( 15-180 minutes to deliver services, depend on port availability )

Manual installation depend on license and availability, So please contact us before placing the order